Heroin Epidemic


A Newsday editorial a few years back, was headlined: "Long Island is losing the battle against heroin." They were right but let’s be clear that it’s not just heroin we are talking about but all opiate derivatives that are just as addicting and in some cases, even more deadly. Vicodin, OxyContin and Fentanyl have been involved in many of the deaths and violence that results from opiate addiction. The start of this epidemic goes back to the 1990’s . In that same editorial, Newsday stated, “The heroin epidemic on Long Island is overwhelming, and our response is falling woefully short.” As your County Legislator, Gary Pollakusky will fight to make sure that law enforcement, hospitals, schools and N.G.O.’s who are on the front lines have the resources to save lives, do better rehabilitation and cut off the drug supply at its source.